As the 2013 concerts come to a close, we at, present to you, Circa Survive from December 28, 2013 at the Sold OUT, Shrine Expo Hall in Los Angeles, CA.
The line started to form 13+ hours before doors opened at the Shrine and thankfully, the Los Angeles, winter weather, made it all bearable, being almost 80 degrees! To many, the band included, this show would mark the last concert of 2013 and it was going to be one for the books.

The venue was completely packed to capacity and fans were growing impatient as the clock struck 9pm. The whole pit started swaying; the fans in the front row were being pushed up against the barricade, scrunching their faces from the discomfort. The fans were growing so unruly that security tried to maintain the peace, telling people not to push, something that security usually doesn’t try to stop. But it wasn’t working; fans started crowd surfing their way up to the front before the band even hit the stage. One girl crowd surfed from the middle of the pit, all the way to the front, unconscious. Medics were called as she was taken to lie down on the floor.
The lights finally dimmed at 9:15 and fans went absolutely crazy; the pushing increased as the diehard fans chanted “Circa! Circa! Circa!” Cameras glided through the audience, recording every angle. Several camera men were surrounding the stage, ready to document what would be a violent night ahead. The band members walked on stage, on by one, cheers growing louder for each band member. Their calm demeanor was the complete contrast to the audience who literally pushed the barricade multiple feet forward, making security fear for the worst.

Review by: Nicole Lemberg